How Much Does It Cost To Service My Pump?

This is one of the things we get asked the most – but like most questions, there isn’t one answer that fits all. In order to determine the cost of servicing any pump, firstly we require two important details to start identifying your needs:
- What type of pump do you have?
- What is the system the pump is part of?
Once you have identified the type of pump and the system it is fitted to, read on…
How much does a maintenance contract cost?
The cost to maintain your pump systems varies depending on a few different factors. Servicing your pump systems depends on the type, or different types, of system you have on site, and also how many of each system. Also, the number of systems you have installed affects how we cost up your maintenance contract.
Pumping systems come in many variations, all carrying different service costs based on their differences. For example, a single booster set will have a lower service cost than a triple booster set, simply because there are less pumps on the system.
Other factors that affect the maintenance contract cost is the site location and how many services you require per year. The number of services you require in a year will clearly affect the maintenance contract price, with more services resulting in a higher cost. The recommended number of services for each system varies again – feel free to get in touch for more advice on individual systems.
To obtain a cost for a maintenance contract fill in your details and we can provide you with a quotation. However, for an accurate quote, it would be best to arrange a site visit with one of our technicians.
How much does it cost to service a pump station?
As a guide, the price to service a twin pump station can vary massively from £150 to around £500 per unit for a full service depending on the factors below.
This however is dependent on many different variants that all have to be considered. The three main things to consider are: the kilowatt size of the pumps, the depth of the tank and the number of pumps installed in the chamber.
In addition to these three main considerations, the cost can vary depending on what the pump station is handling: whether it be foul, waste or clean storm water. A foul or waste pump station typically can suffer from heavy debris build up over time that cannot be removed by the pumps; this will require additional services, such as a vacuum tanker to remove this waste and maintain your pump station in optimal condition.
Costs on servicing will vary depending on if the pumps are lifted, de-ragged and cleaned, or if the service only includes an electrical test carried out from the panel. In order to raise pumps, a two-man team will be required to ensure the proper health and safety measures are in place.
Regular servicing is a requirement of any manufacturer. To ensure optimal performance of your system and to prevent breakdowns, a maintenance contract on your systems will make certain that they are serviced regularly at the correct intervals. A full service, which typically includes lifting the pumps, should be carried out at a minimum of once per year.
What checks should be done on a Pump Station Service? Select ‘Pump Station’ as your Product Type to read more.
How much does it cost to service my heating pump?
Servicing a heating pump means properly inspecting the pump, its parameters and ensuring that it’s running at optimal performance. The cost to service a heating pump can vary due to its kilowatt size, its location and the number of pumps you have on site.
The more heating pumps you have on site, the lower the cost per unit will be. As the service is not a long process, this means the cost of staff travelling to site can make up a lot of the cost.
It’s important to note that a heating pump service does not include replacement parts such as mechanical seals. If a mechanical seal has failed, this will require a remedial repair.
What checks should be done on a heating pump service? Click here and select ‘Circulator Pumps’ as your Product Type to learn more.
How much does it cost to service a booster set?
The cost to service a booster set can vary depending on several different factors, all outlined below. Although typically, the cost to service a booster set is between £150 and £350. The key variables are:
- How many pumps on the booster set?
- Kilowatt size of pumps
- Size of pressure vessels related to the booster set
- Number of services visits required per year
- If legionella and e-coli testing on the break tank is required
- If your break tank requires cleaning and sterilisation
- If remote monitoring is installed and any top up or hire costs
Service cost can vary depending on the number of checks and level of service that is carried out. Very often, draining the pressure vessel is not included in the cost of a service, even though this is a critical requirement to ensure the optimal performance of your booster set.
The more booster sets and other pump systems you have on site, the lower the cost per unit will be as the travel and set up time will be spread across the number of units you have on site.
What checks should be done on a booster set service? Select ‘Booster Sets’ as your Product Type to read more.
How much does it cost to service a pressurisation set?
The cost to service a pressurisation set typically only varies due to two factors: the number of vessels on the system and the size. The cost will vary predominantly due to the fact vessels may need to be drained and recharged.
If your heating system is larger, this will impact the number of vessels connected to the pressurisation unit. The volume of the pressure vessels will also increase, resulting in longer drain and recharge times for the vessel. It’s also worth considering that the number of vessels connected to the pressurisation unit will also affect the cost.
What checks should be completed on a pressurisation set service? Select ‘Pressurisation Set’ as your Product Type to read more.