A Large Automotive Manufacturer Saves £50,000 per Year
A Global Engineering Consultancy has had new pump system installed with a downtime of less than 2 hours!
1. | Pumps currently account for 10% of the world’s total electricity consumption |
2. | Most pumps waste energy 95% of the time |
3. | We can typically save 35% to 40% on energy costs |
4. | Clients have benefited from up to £250,000 savings in 5 years - and continually increasing |
5. | Typical energy savings payback is 6 Months – 3 Years |
With the current need to reduce energy consumption and the big drive to save the planet, we’d like to inform you how Dura Pump is doing our bit. We offer free energy savings audits on both your pumps and pump systems.
As a customer you may be thinking you can’t save any energy by working on your pumps. This, however, may be something that hasn’t been investigated enough and could potentially save energy and help meet your energy savings targets. It could also save you unnecessary costs.
Having been in the pump industry for many years, we know how to optimise pumps for energy savings and address the technical nature of the energy savings issue.
This NHS example demonstrates how systems can be optimised to save both energy and running costs | |
This shows how much energy could be conserved, CO2 emissions reduced,
and money saved by upgrading your pumps.
Ten questions to help you identify where you can save energy, upgrade your equipment and increase your net profit…
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions then contact Dura Pump today for your free energy-saving survey
Request your free energy saving survey
Do you have belt-driven pumps? |
Did you know belt-driven pumps are 20% less efficient? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q52zqZg10y4 |
Do you have pumps larger than 5.5kW? |
Did you know a 5.5kW pump running 24/7 365 days a year at 12p/kWh costs £5781 to run? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz5rZeq7zGs |
Do you have a valved back system? |
Did you know that by using the correct control, you can slow the motor speed down, saving energy and the need for valving back? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBIrHQ4sC1k |
Do you have heating pumps larger than 4kW? |
Did you know that due to fluctuation in temperatures throughout the year, the pump can be controlled according to demand and save between 35-40%? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KULks5Ahuvs |
Do you have fixed speed booster sets? |
Did you know that due to fluctuation in demand throughout a day, the system can be controlled by inverters, varying the speed and number of pumps used? This can provide you with constant water pressure and substantial energy savings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9amz_SbV8eU |
Do you have a chilled water system? |
Did you know that due to temperature fluctuations throughout the year or demand throughout the day from your process, the pump can be controlled according to pressure or temperature? This can save 35-50%. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTSH6YPvByw |
Do you have a system with pressure reducing valves? |
Did you know that doing this is like driving your car with your foot flat on the accelerator whilst braking to control speed! You can control the system by pressure, reduce the speed of the motor and save substantial energy and wear on the system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Qz82-Pvin0 |
Have you increased or reduced your system capacity since initial install? |
Did you know that by adjusting your system from the initial specification can considerably affect the efficiency and performance of your system? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lLkNiSRhhA |
Do you have old systems that require upgrading? |
Did you know that payback times through energy saving can provide you with a new system, self-funded by the energy savings in 6-24 months? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j_obUK0SQo |
Do you have inverters installed that are programmed to a set speed? |
Did you know that having inverters programmed to a set speed does not provide you with maximum energy savings? They should be set up to adjust speed, according to the demand of the system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQA26HDPcbY |
Request your free energy-saving survey
This shows how much energy could be conserved, CO2 emissions reduced, and money saved by upgrading your pumps.