Why You Need a Vent Pipe on Your Pump Station

Have you ever asked yourself: “Why do I need a vent pipe on my pump station?”. If so, you’re not alone! In the latest advice from Dura Pump, we set aside some time to respond to that often overlooked question. Keep reading to get answers on this pump station mystery – thank us later!
Here at Dura Pump, we’re often asked questions around pump stations and the various add-ons they need to keep them running smoothly and efficiently. One of the most frequently asked questions we answer on a weekly basis is – “do I need an air vent for my pump station”.
In a nutshell, the answer to that question is ‘yes’. Before we explain why, let’s take a look at these products and what they’re built to do…
What is a Vent Pipe?
First thing’s first: let’s take a look at these products and what it actually means to vent your plumbing. After all, if you don’t understand the method behind it all, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to identify issues if and when they occur!
Commonly referred to as ‘plumbing vents’ and ‘vent stacks’, vent pipes act as miniature chimneys which effectively regulate the air pressure inside your pump station. Put simply, your air vent is a pipe that goes out the top of the tank with a trap or carbon vent on the discharge, with a typical diameter of approx 110mm.
To help understand what these products do, it pays to think of air vents essentially as drain pipes for your plumbing system. However, there’s one key difference here: instead of clearing water and waste from your pump station, air vents clear your system from nasty stuff like gases and foul odours.
Aside from clearing out all that nasty stuff from your pump station, vent pipes also allow fresh air to enter your pump station. Apart from creating a cleaner system, this allows water to flow effectively through your drain pipes – a bare essential in the world of pumps. Notably; however, air vents don’t carry water. In fact, these are vertical pipes which are connected to your drain pipes and vent out through the roof of your station. Fundamentally, your vent stack will run exhaust gases out and keep a safe atmospheric pressure in your plumbing system.
Why Your Pump Station Needs an Air Vent?
We’ve explained what vent pipes do. But does your station actually need one? In short, the answer is yes. Indeed, this pipe plays a crucial role in protecting your pump station in more ways than one.
Your pump station needs an air vent as it allows air to escape as the tank fills up with waste. As the wastewater or sewage comes into the tank, it inevitably fills up the tank, meaning the air needs some way to escape. By installing an air vent, you can ensure that air escapes without any pressure being built up inside the tank.
If pressure does build up inside your pump station, you could have a messy and highly unpleasant situation on your hands: if there was to be no way of the air escaping, the pressure could build up to such an extent that it would pop the lid off of the tank. This would therefore create a hazard for the public or workforce – and who’s got time for that?
Your pump station needs an air vent, not only to release air but to let the tank ‘breathe’. Whilst this is often overlooked, it is incredibly important as being able to breathe naturally means there is a reduced chance of a foul odour build up.
One final tip, and this is ESSENTIAL to avoid those foul odours. Never confuse the air vent on your pump station with the air valve on your mains sewers – trust us!
Let Your Pump Station Breathe: Get Started with Dura Pump Today
Is your pump station emitting a foul smell? Frustrated with irregular air pressure in your system? Forget holding your nose – try a cost-effective and long-lasting solution with Dura Pump. To enquire around our full range of air vents or to book a FREE consultation, contact us now.