Cummins expands production line with a little help from us!

Cummins is a global leader in the design, manufacture and servicing of diesel and alternative-fuel engines, generators and related technology. It is a worldwide business with branches across the UK. Recently, the company was looking to expand its production line – and when the team encountered some issues, they got in touch with the team here at Dura Pump.
The Challenge
The proposed siting for Cummins’ new production line had no waste drainage. The manufacturing process meant they needed to find a way to release unwanted chemicals, which were also likely to contain machining swarf and debris. An existing ring main for waste discharge was set up at 10m high in the current production area.
The Solution
Our engineering team designed and installed a twin pump station, mounted on a guide rail, into the new concrete production chamber. These pumps were specified to move waste up through the pipework and into the existing high-level discharge system in the original production area, where they could be drained.
Our engineers used non-corrosive PVC-U Pipework, suitable for the range of chemicals they would need to handle, and fitted a removable filter to catch any swarf.
The Result
With a reliable and correctly specified pump system installed, Cummins was able to continue with its expansion. And by using the existing discharge system rather than creating a brand new one,we managed to avoid lengthy downtimes and high costs for the client.